Minggu, 18 Desember 2011

Only at Jakarta

oh dear son
what you do is very dangerous, even tough i know its too difficult to get the comfortable bus at that crazy buzy time in jakarta...

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

Going Sunbathing

biwi get sunbathing
My son found biwi when he was a kitten, aged about a week. He found biwi in front of his school, being played by other children. He try to find its mother but failed. So he brought it home. 

Biwi has not been able to eat and drink properly like adult cats then and even he still stagger when walking. my son take care for biwi genuinely. He feeding, drinking and playing with biwi everyday. 

Since then, biwi become the part of our family.

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

Just Shoot and Share

Take a picture is no longer exclusive  activities of journalists or photographers. especially since the digital pocket cameras and camera phones have become really common.

I always enjoyed taking photographs since in college. but  that time it rather to be difficult to store it because there was only manual camera with negative -or roll- film and the picture must be printed. but now everything is more simple and easy. we just take pictures and store them in a variety of storagemedia.

since then i more enjoyable to take a picture especially since married and have kids. taking pictures has became more often to be done. like one of daily activity.

moreover, every time i look at the pictures i have taken on various occasions, various memories arise. pleasant experiences, funny, annoying, and even the sad or embarrassing ones come back. whatever it is, it seems too good to be forgotten.

Please do not expect to see the "great" photos as is usually made by professional photographers or the expert. I'm just ordinary mom with ordinary pocket camera as well and sometimes even  just using an ordinary camera cellular -that explained why the picture is so blur or dark :D

what im doing based on this standard: just shoot and share 
and no surprise if the result is :  what I saw is what you get

so please, just enjoy it